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About me

Hi, I'm Cheryl! I am so glad your here.

1 Peter 3:3-4

Don't be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.

How I found myself and my voice.


After years of  violation in my family, domestic violence, mentally  and physically I had no self worth, no voice and thinking I was beautiful was not even a thought. Being told everyday that I was a nobody, that I was fat and nobody would love me to being hit in the mouth every time I tried to defend myself was tiring, but because I loved him I stayed. I felt ugly, worthless, overwhelmed with life so drugs became a way of escape for me, a place where nobody would be able to hurt me cause I was numb. Life didn't get better, it was just comfortable so I thought.I wanted a way out of all the pain. As I attended a church service one night with a friend all I could do was cry and ask God why I was so ugly, afraid and why nobody loved me. All the things he told me for years I just believed them until this night In January of 2011.  After the service I just laid across the bed and cried repeatedly asking the same questions  to God and I heard this scripture 1 Peter 3 :3-4 had no idea what it meant but soon I did after talking with my friend's mother, deciding to rehab all this and my dad was dying. In rehab I began to read  my Bible and really get into my word, and prayer. It was then the lord allowed me to see my true beauty. It was not good clothes , money or even fine jewelry but me taking back my voice was a part of finding myself so that I could become who he has always called me to be. Encouraging people everywhere, letting them know that you can't allow anyone or anything to quiet you or make you feel less than who God has called you to be. So if i could leave you with anything it would be that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, to be uniquely yourself. Be confident in who you are as well as embrace all of you even your flaws because they have assisted in the women you have become today.

All My Stories

All My Stories


Coming soon


Lessons of Life: Things
I've Learned, Moments I Cherish.

Myself, my voice, my worth and my peace. 


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